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Foundation Program

your doorway
to the European
university degree!

The UEHS Foundation Program is our University unique offer dedicated to those candidates whose language skills are still not sufficient to start a regular degree program.

Foundation Program is carefully designed in order to help you improve your English and basic academic skills to the level required to enter any of the UEHS regular Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs.

The UEHS Foundation Program is addressed particularly to those candidates who come from underprivileged educational backgrounds in which they had poor access to proper English language education.

In consequence, this may create an unjust inequality in their further access to higher education and is an obstacle in gaining a degree at prestigious European universities, such as UEHS.

The UEHS Foundation Program provides an opportunity for such candidates to take advantage of an addition year or semester of English language tuition before they can successfully enter the degree program they dream of.

What makes the UEHS Foundation Program unique is that the English language tuition is combined in this Program with introductory classes to academic skills and knowledge of the European culture to maximize your future success at a degree program. What is probably most important, the Foundation Program is fully integrated with all UEHS degree programs. This means that upon enrolling the UEHS Foundation Program you become a regular student of our University and you gain the full student’s status with all its legal benefits. Additionally, from the beginning of this Program you will already start accumulating credits (ECTS) which will add up to your ECTS total on your BA or MA degree diploma. Upon successful completion of the Foundation Program you will be able to continue your selected BA or MA degree program without any additional recruitment procedures.

When enrolling the UEHS Foundation Program you are expected to endorse which of our University BA or MA program you intend to study. However, if for any reason you change your mind, you will be free to change your decision with only one petition submitted to the Dean.

In order to make the UEHS Foundation Program even more accessible and affordable, the candidates are offered to choose to study and participate in the classes either on-line (even from their own countries) or on the UEHS campus in Warsaw, Poland. Owing to this, the Foundation Program students will be able to study in such a manner which suits their needs best.

If you believe that the benefits of the UEHS Foundation Program are applicable to your current educational or life situation and may open for you the doorway to gaining a degree diploma from a prestigious European university, then this rewarding Foundation Program is the right choice for you.

What will you learn on the UEHS
Foundation Program?

This program has been designed with a special focus on the requirements of the UEHS degree programs. During the Foundation Program you will gain:

  • opportunities for top quality higher education in the EU
  • English proficiency at the level required for all UEHS BA and MA degree programs
  • understanding of the rules and whereabouts of the university life
  • critical thinking and reasoning skills
  • self-confidence and social communication skills for a smooth transition to your chosen BA or MA program
  • the necessary knowledge on culture and everyday life in Europe and Poland
  • regular student’s status and student’s ID Card
  • permission for legal work in Poland to enable you to earn for your tuition fee
  • flexible choice of the mode of studying (on-line or on campus)

Who should choose the UEHS Foundation Program?

If you graduated from high school, yet you are lacking the degree program entry-level language requirements, this program is the best option for you.

If you don not feel confident enough to begin BA or MA academic courses immediately and would like to top up your skills, this is also a perfect choice to start with.

Is the UEHS Foundation Program available in languages other than English?

Our Foundation Program is also available in German and Italian. This option is dedicated to candidates who wish to study our BA program in either German Philology or Italian Studies, however, their current language proficiency is lower than required.

Entry requirements

The UEHS Foundation Program is integrated with and a part of 4-year Bachelor’s programs or 2,5-year Master’s programs.

The entry requirements are the same as for applications for the respective degree programs, except for the English language level.

How to apply for this program?

If you wish to enroll the UEHS Foundation Program, please, go through the UEHS degree programs first and select the one you are interested in.

Next, when you decide to apply, please check the “Studies with the Foundation Program” option in the online application form.

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