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Our students were accepted into the 10th edition of the Tax Leaders Internship Program organized by the Ministry of Finance. Olha Zhuivoda and Mykola Melnyk are third-year law students at our University and members of the “Legislacja” research society. The students will have the opportunity to develop their expertise in taxation in the MF’s Tax Analysis Department. 

“Their work is the basis for creating tax solutions that will support Poland’s economic development” is how the Ministry describes our students’ competitive work.

To enter the program, contestants first had to write an essay on “Taxes and Business Expansion” or solve an analytical problem posted on the Ministry’s website. Then they were invited for an interview, and at the final stage the Ministry announced the list of winners – those who will participate in the internship.  Our students were among them!

“This is a great experience and an opportunity to develop comprehensively, meet new people and learn analytical thinking not only in the legal field, but also in the tax industry. The Ministry of Finance gives a good start, and if there is a chance to take this chance, I would love to do it,” Olha commented for AEH. 

In her essay she presented the problem of calculating social media income for young Influencers working on YouTube, Twitter and other platforms that are not currently taxed by the state. She offered a solution to this problem.

We are very happy about Olha and Mykola’s success!  It is a great honor for our university, scientific society, and people involved in the project, especially since the Ministry is funding internships for only 16 people.

Once again congratulations, we wish further success and good luck to our students!

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