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The 2024/2025 Academic Year Has Officially Begun!

On 11th October 2024, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw held its ceremonial inauguration of the new academic year. The event was attended by the university’s authorities, academic and teaching staff, administrative employees, students, distinguished guests, and the university’s business partners.

Rector’s Address

Following the official welcome to all attendees, the Rector of the University of Economics and Human Sciences, Professor Konrad Janowski, delivered his address.

In his speech this year, His Magnificence referred to the “glass houses” that Cezary Baryka hoped to see upon returning to Poland from Baku. His disappointment was immense when he found no glass houses – it had been only a dream. As the Rector emphasised:


“Glass houses are merely a fantasy, an illusion, a utopian vision. In Polish cultural code, the metaphor of glass houses still symbolises a beautiful, fair, modern, and progressive Poland, where everyone lives well, but it remains a utopian vision.”


Today, however, this is no longer a metaphor, but a reality we have thanks to the achievements of previous generations in many fields. His Magnificence also highlighted the role of science in this pursuit of “glass houses,” in making dreams a reality and in creating a better future, without which this success would not have been possible:


“I wish to share with you my deep conviction today that the mission of the academic world, the role of universities, and the responsibility of scientists is to co-create a beautiful and better world for the future. A world of glass houses. This is how I also perceive the role of the University of Economics.”


The Rector underscored the remarkable growth of the University of Economics and Human Sciences, which itself is housed in a beautiful, modern, glass building. The university continues to develop at an incredible pace, offering a broader range of educational programmes each year and bringing together an ever-increasing number of academic staff who are achieving success in their respective fields.

During his speech, His Magnificence also presented a diploma to our Management student, Marek Dobrowolski, in recognition of his outstanding achievement in winning a bronze medal at this year’s Paralympic Games in Paris, in the 50-metre prone rifle event.

General Director’s Address

The General Director of the University of Economics and Human Sciences, Marzena Godlewska, also took to the stage to deliver her formal address, beginning with words from the great Nobel laureate’s Moral Treatise:

“And, as someone else once said,
You can, so influence the avalanche.
Tame its wildness, its cruelty,
To do so also takes courage.”

The Director referred to the avalanche as a perfect metaphor for the university’s tremendous growth, influenced by each of its members. Following this, in line with our university’s tradition, new lecturers were welcomed to the university and, as every year, received a symbolic white rose.

Awards, Diplomas, and the Oath

For the first time this year, the winners of the “Lecturer of the Year” poll were announced. Nearly 2,000 students cast their votes.

  • Dr. Joanna Kozaczyńska took 3rd place with 150 votes
  • Prof. Michał Wilczewski secured 2nd place with 272 votes
  • Prof. Radosław Rogoza claimed 1st place with 323 votes.

The diplomas and trophies were presented to the winners by General Director Marzena Godlewska.

Rector, Professor Konrad Janowski, together with Chairman of the Scientific Council Mieczysław Plopa, who was also the doctoral supervisor, welcomed Dr. Katarzyna Awruk into the ranks of the university’s new doctors. The diploma from the Minister of Science was presented to the newly-promoted Doctor by the Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Marcin Staniewski.

During the ceremony, as is tradition, first-year students took their formal oath. The immatriculation ceremony for Polish-speaking students was led by the Vice-Rector for Education, Professor Piotr Szczepankowski, while for English-speaking students, it was conducted by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Dr. Maciej Kluz.

Lecture by Professor Michał Rusinek

The ceremony concluded with an inaugural lecture delivered by Professor Michał Rusinek titled The Contemporary Benefits of Ancient Rhetoric.

In his lecture, Professor Michał Rusinek emphasised that rhetoric is no longer the art of monologue and now thrives only in democracies. As he noted, “rhetoric develops when it is in a democracy.” He pointed out that in times of totalitarianism, such as the Polish People’s Republic (PRL), there was no need to persuade listeners, as everyone was bound by obedience. Only in conditions of freedom and democratic exchange of ideas can rhetoric fully develop as the art of dialogue, where listening to the other side and engaging in constructive conversation are essential.

This part of the lecture highlights the fundamental role that open and free communication plays in democratic societies.


Photo Gallery

We also invite you to view a short photo gallery from the entire ceremony below:

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