International Classroom –
a place where diverse perspectives create a change
The International Classroom is a cornerstone of one of the strategic goals of the UEHS – the increase of internationalisation. The project embraces the idea of developing and enhancing the intercultural competence of our academic staff and students within the international academic and business framework.
It gives our students the opportunity to engage with people from diverse backgrounds, to collaborate across cultures and to shape their careers as well as to enhance their ability to become changemakers. For our academic staff, it serves as a platform to exchange ideas, find research partners, and broaden professional networks.
There is a variety of goals related to the International Classroom project and they all aim to contribute to the broadening of horizons of our students, to promote a culture of inclusion and respect valuing and welcoming the contributions of all students and to prepare them for the global labour market. For our academic staff, it is the opportunity to develop new professional relations.
The International Classroom allows the students and academic staff to meet outstanding people who are related to academia, business, or non-profit areas and to broaden their perspectives, participate in brainstorming discussions, and then go and change the world!