Call for Special Issue

Call for manuscripts for „Journal of Innovation and Knowledge” Special Issue entitled: „Achieving Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency through Sharing Economy”
Call for Papers Achieving Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency through Sharing Economy Journal of Innovation & Change Call for Papers Title: Achieving Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency through Sharing Economy Short title (VSI): Sustainable...

Call for manuscripts for „Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja” Special Issue on “Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”
Special Issue on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interdependent global goals designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for...

Call for manuscripts for “Creativity Studies” Special Issue entitled: “Inventive Engineering – Social and Economic Benefits and Influences”
Call for manuscripts for “Creativity Studies” Special Issue entitled: “Inventive Engineering – Social and Economic Benefits and Influences” The world is experiencing rapid economic and social shifts as innovation and creativity have progressively transformed the...

Call for papers! Specjalne wydanie Sustainability: „Sukces ekonomiczny dzięki zrównoważonemu rozwojowi w postpandemicznej rzeczywistości”.
Pandemia COVID-19 zaburzyła podstawy gospodarki światowej, przyczyniając się do upadku przedsiębiorstw i globalnej recesji. W związku z powyższym zakłada się, że uprzednio zaplanowane inwestycje w przedsięwzięcia z zakresu polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju,...