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The announcement
of the Rector of University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw of 1 March 2022
on the organization of aid to Ukraine

As a result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against the independent state of Ukraine, on behalf of the authorities of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw and on behalf of the entire academic community, I would like to express our support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and in particular with the Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting for their loved ones, for their land, their homes, as well as for the whole of Europe and the entire civilized world.

Facing the brutal war in Ukraine unfolding in front of our eyes in direct reports of journalists and common people who document it on social media, our academic community cannot and does not want to remain indifferent. I would like to assure you that our university will take all possible measures to support our brotherly Ukrainian nation in this unequal fight against the Russian invader.

We took such actions from the very first moments when we learned about the Russian attack on Ukraine. On February 25, I visited the Ukrainian Embassy in Warsaw and handed over to Ambassador Andrij Deszczyca a letter expressing our support for Ukraine.

On February 26, we participated in aid collection organized by the Kwadrat Theater in Warsaw.

On February 27, we organized a fundraiser for Ukraine at our university and started cooperation with the Cultural Center of Wola District – the coordinator of aid activities for the capital city of Warsaw.

The relief collected that day was immediately transported by UEHS employees and students to the Ukrainian border and handed over to those who needed it most at that moment.

These activities were reported on our social media, mainly on the university’s Instagram account. Thanks to the efforts of the UEHS Director General, on February 27 we organized the evacuation and transport to Poland of children from one of the children’s homes in Ukraine to provide them with a new safe place to stay.

On February 28, we held a meeting with the management of the Cultural Center of Wola District, the coordinator of aid for Ukraine, organized by the city of Warsaw – to discuss a joint strategy for further aid activities.

We have also arranged a university aid team to coordinate support for Ukrainian citizens – both those who have already come to Poland and those who stay in Ukraine. I designated Ms. Wiktoria Malysh ( as the coordinator.

In order to evaluate our personal resources, we are sending a survey to collect information about different forms of help our academic community is ready to provide, especially through volunteering. Based on the information collected, we will be able coordinate the tasks and assign them in accordance with volunteers declarations.

All students who take part in volunteering to help Ukraine will be able to pass or partially pass internship on the basis of the number of hours devoted to volunteering. Detailed rules for crediting internships on the basis of volunteering will be determined by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

I would also like to assure you that the university will support students who will not be able to participate in classes or exams due to warfare. The process of education and verification of learning outcomes will be adapted to enable students to continue studies, e.g. on the basis of individual organization of studies, more flexible deadlines for obtaining credits and examinations as well as other individual or systemic solutions.

Students affected by the war are encouraged to apply for allowance (financial help) via the Verbis SIS (select a tab labeled “Material Aid”). Additional information is provided by the Student Affairs Office at the e-mail addresses dedicated to each faculty.

In the coming days and weeks, involvement and work of many people will be the key to helping Ukraine and Ukrainians. There will be need for many different actions and initiatives. As Rector, I am deeply convinced our students will be actively volunteering and showing our solidarity with Ukraine.

We will keep you informed about all initiatives and activities undertaken by the university. Due to the dynamic nature of the situation and changing needs, social media seems to be the fastest way of communication. That is why we encourage everyone to follow the official university profiles on social networks, where up- to-date information will be posted:

Facebook: Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie
Instagram: AEH in Warsaw, Wasz Rektor AEH

Today I would like express my gratitude to all those who have devoted their time, work, and financial resources to the aid activities carried out by UEHS in recent days. Those who shared our appeals and messages on social media, brought relief and demonstrated willingness to act. Thank you!

Konrad Janowski Ph.D. Rector of UEHS


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