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The Alumni Association of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw was founded in June 2021. The mission of the Association is to create a community of alumni and to strengthen the bond between them and the University.

The Alumni Association
accomplishes its mission by:

following the professional
careers of Alumni,

enabling networking
among Alumni,

organising team-building

creating and nurturing the bond
between Alumni and the University.

Meet our

Aleksandra Dąbrowska


I have been working for the Student Bureau at the University of Economics and Human Sciences for 12 years. The time I spent at the University as a student was one of the best stages of my life. The University gave me lots of nice memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Currently I work at the University. I enjoy and appreciate my job, as well as the team of amazing people I work with every day.

Aleksandra Kujawa

Finance and Accounting

I have been working in Banking for 10 years and for 2 years I have been Head of the best Santander Bank Polska S.A. branch in Poland. My motto is a quote by N. Enkelmann: “He who thinks about problems, has problems. He who thinks about solutions, has solutions”. I am an obstinate person and I am not afraid to make bold decisions. During my studies I gained the necessary knowledge and improved my self-confidence.

Agnieszka Okońska

Political Science, MBA

My first adventure with the University began in 2002, when I started my postgraduate MBA studies. It was one of the first MBA programmes offered by a Polish university. A few years later I went back to the University of Finance and Management to obtain another degree – in Communications and PR at the Faculty of Political Science. It has proved to be very useful in my profession. I recommend studying at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw because it is a university which follows both students’ needs and the requirements of the job market.

Iwo Sobusiak


I specialize in Process Management and in Business Optimization. Building a positive Customer Experience gives me a lot of satisfaction. I started my professional career as a Sapper in the Polish Army. After that, I worked as a Customer Service Quality Management specialist, and currently I hold a position as a Customer Service Supervision and Process Support specialist. My adventure at the University of Economics and Human Sciences started in 2018. I can tell anyone any day that I couldn’t have chosen a better university. Why? You’ll have to see for yourself!

Wiktoria Qader


I am currently training to become a barrister at the Warsaw Bar Association. I work in a law firm and my main professional interests are Criminal Law, Civil Law and Family Law. I won an award at the regional stage of Adw. Marek Kotarski Oratorical Contest, organised for lawyers studying to be barristers. In my job I represent clients in courts, before law enforcement authorities, as well as before state and local authorities. I adore animals and I am a member of the Animal Rights Unit of the Warsaw Bar Association.

in the Alumni Association


-get discounts for language courses, postgraduate studies, MA and BA studies

-receive invitations to important events in the academic community

-get the University’s newsletter in your email

-contribute to shaping the Alumni Association


-get a 20% discount for BA, MA and postgraduate studies offered by the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw

-get a discount for language courses offered by the University

-get a discount for renting space at the Vizja Park campus

-participate in paid events organised by the University free of charge

-peruse the collection of the University’s Library

-receive invitations to important events in the academic community

-get the University’s newsletter in your email


-get a 15% discount for postgraduate studies

-get a discount for BA and MA studies

-get a discount for language courses

-get a discount for renting space at the Vizja Park campus

-get a 50% discount for tickets to paid events organised by the University

-receive invitations to important events in the academic community

-get the University’s newsletter in your email.

Join our
Alumni Association!

    Correspondence address

    Which type of activities would you be most interested in?

    Networking (team-building and planning meetings)Taking up studies at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in WarsawParticipating in academic projects (such as research)Participating in events organised by the University

    How would you like to be involved in the Alumni Association?

    As a mentor for members of the academic community (involves participating in meetings with students)By offering discounts for services provided by me or my businessBy participating actively in events organised by the University (such as debates, conferences, lectures given during important events, e.g. opening ceremonies of the academic year)By networking among alumni (e.g. reuniting with friends from university, inviting them to join the Alumni Association)Other (please describe)


    – contact us!

    If you have questions, ideas, or would like to collaborate
    with our Alumni Association – contact us!
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