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Sustainable Business Model

Field of study:
Energy Studies
Graduate (Master)
Field of study:
Duration of study:
2 years (4 semesters)
Now also available online
Obtained title:
Polish | English||zrownowazony-model-biznesowy

Why choose this field of study?

Are you interested in the issues and development of the energy sector and associate your professional future with this industry? Explore a degree programme that will give you a unique education that combines advanced business management skills and specialist knowledge of contemporary economics in the energy sector, sustainable business, stakeholder management and business process design. If you are a university graduate at least at undergraduate or engineering level and are planning to develop a career or your own business in the energy sector – this programme will save you the time and cost that you would have had to spend on additional directional studies in management skills. Most importantly, during your studies you will attend classes taught by experts and long-time practitioners who will share their valuable experience and proven business and industry knowledge with you.

The master’s degree in Energy Studies at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw will thoroughly prepare you – in terms of content and practice – for a career in managerial positions in the energy industry, but also in other industries related to the implementation of modern economic and social values and the effective management of systems, projects and investments in a sustainable business perspective. By choosing the Sustainable Business Model specialisation, you will gain practical skills in Business Model Canvas, ADONIS process design or ESG reporting, among others. An alternative specialisation to choose as part of your second-level studies in this degree programme is: Energy and Environmental Efficiency.

Energy Studies master's degree – what sets us apart?

  • The curriculum of this degree programme is based on an innovative approach to the education of future managers for the energy industry – we will equip you with the knowledge and competencies for a dynamic career in management and energy-related business.
  • As a university, we hold the prestigious CEEMAN International Quality Accreditation – a certificate that confirms international standards of management education, as well as the highest qualifications of our staff and multidimensional support for students in their management career development.
  • In this programme, we focus on the development of your talent, honing your skills and invaluable exchange of experience – all thanks to the best staff, consisting, among others, of economics and business practitioners from Vizja Business School (the largest unit at the university educating in the areas of management and finance).

Sustainable Business Model – what can you do after graduation?

With a master’s degree in modern Energy Studies, you will be a competitive candidate for attractive positions offered by sustainability-oriented businesses.

Advanced business and management knowledge in the energy sector will enable you to successfully develop your own energy-related business or work for e.g:

  • major producers and distributors of energy and energy storage;
  • companies involved in the design and operation of energy systems;
  • auditing and consulting companies in the energy sector.

This program
is for you if:

You already have a university degree and are planning a dynamic career or running your own business in the energy sector.

You are interested in modern energy and want to work towards transformation and green solutions in the sector.

You find your way around project tasks well and have a managerial flair that you want to develop.

Programme and structure of studies

Graduate studies
(master’s degree)

120 ECTS credits
(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)
they last
2 years (4 semesters)
concluded with obtaining
a master's degree

The master’s degree programme in Energy Studies at AEH is based on issues in the area of management, with examples from the energy sector. In contrast, the second year is dominated by profiled classes that deal with expertise in the creation and management of a sustainable energy business model.


The first year of study is dedicated to specialised subject areas in management, economics, finance, sustainability, among others, knowledge of which is essential for effective business management, processes and eco-design in the energy industry.

Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
OHS 0 L 8/8
Culture and ethics 5 L 30/16
Management concepts 4 L 30/24
Statistical Methods 7 L, T 60/40
Internal audit and management control 4 D 30/24
Management of tangible and intangible resources in the energy sector 4 L, Ws 45/24
Managerial economics 2 L, T 30/16
Analysis of markets and energy systems 2 D 30/16
Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in the energy sector 2 Ws 30/16
Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language I 2 Lekt 30/16
Methods of economic and financial analysis 3 D 30/16
Managerial Accounting 5 L, T 45/24
Accounting and financial reporting standards 4 L 30/16
Closed loop economy 4 L, T 60/32
Crisis management in the energy sector 4 L, T 45/24
Audit and financial analysis 2 Ws 30/16
Management information systems 2 Lab 30/16
Sustainable accounting 2 L, T 30/16
Process management in the energy sector 2 D 30/16


In the second year, the student mainly pursues subjects in the chosen specialisation, as well as work placements and a thesis and diploma examination.

Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Foreign language II 3 Lekt 30/16
Business cooperation with stakeholders 4 D 30/16
Building a business process in ADONIS 3 Lab 45/24
Legal basics of business in the energy sector 3 L, T 45/24
ESG reporting in sustainable development 3 D 45/24
Ecoprojects 4 Ws, D 45/24
Professional practice (Elective) 7 PR 180/180
Diploma seminar 3 D 30/16
Subject name Cummulative amount of ECTS points Lecture method Cummulative amount of hours (FT/PT)
Energy policy 2 L 30/16
Sustainable strategic management in the energy sector 4 L, T 45/24
Energy supply chain management 4 L, T 45/24
Business Model Canvas in the energy sector 4 L, T 45/24
Ecosystem services and their valuation 4 L, T 45/24
Diploma seminar and preparation for the diploma exam (Elective) 5 D 30/16
Professional practice (Elective) 7 PR 180/180

Tuition fees

Fixed tuition - flexible payments

By choosing to study at UEHS, you can be sure that the tuition fee will not change throughout the duration of your studies. You can pay the tuition fee once for the entire year of study or spread over a semester payment. This allows you to decide how you want to plan your expenses.

Fees (academic year 2024/2025)

Year of study Annually Per semester*
I 3000 € 1650 €
II 3000 € 1650 €

*Semester payment is possible from the second year of studies.

Year of study Annually Per semester*
I 4000 € 2150 €
II 4000 € 2150 €

*Semester payment is possible from the second year of studies.

EU and other countries group
This group includes citizens of the countries member states of the European Union and the following countries citizens: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latin America, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Other countries
The citizens of all the remaining countries.

Study in Polish!

Do you want to study at UEHS in Polish? It is possible! We have prepared a special program for international students to acquire the skills necessary for active study in Polish and for academic, social and everyday life in Poland.

The Comprehensive Polish Language Program for International Students is:

  • part of The UEHS Foundation Program, which is a comprehensive preparation for starting regular Bachelor's or Master's studies in Polish at UEHS
  • a course aimed at two groups of international students: students with knowledge of a Slavic language (Russian, Ukrainian, Czech etc.) and students without prior knowledge of any Slavic language
  • a chance for immersion in Polish society and culture, authentic experience of life in Poland and broad career prospects on the Polish labour market

More details coming soon!

Scholarships - easier than you think

scholarship program

While studying at UEHS, you can take advantage of a wide range of financial support from the state budget and European funds, as well as benefit from special discounts with UEHS discount program

You can submit most scholarship applications quickly and easily through your online account.  

The scholarship may be awarded to any student who obtained an average grade not lower than 4.8 in a academic year given.

In the academic year 2023/2024, the University of Economics and Humanities in Warsaw awarded 800 Rector’s Scholarships, ranging from PLN 400 /month to PLN 1000 /month, depending on the average or achievements. For outstanding sport, artistic or scientific achievements, the Scholarship Committee awarded scholarships of PLN 600 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for the Rector’s Scholarship is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

A sports scholarship may be awarded to a student who excels in sport achievements at least national level. In addition we also encourage our students to take part in additional support programs- eg. the National Academic Representation.

Young sportsmen can count on financial support in the amount of PLN 600 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for sports scholarship is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

A scholarship for people with disabilities may be awarded to a student who has a disability certificate, a disability degree certificate, a ZUS certifying physician’s certificate, a disability group certificate or a certificate of permanent or long-term incapacity to work on a farm.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, depending on the degree of disability, 350 scholarships for people with disabilities were awarded, ranging from PLN 1700 /month to PLN 1900 /month.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for a scholarship for people with disabilities is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

The allowance is a form of emergency financial assistance. Any student who found himself temporarily in a difficult life situation resulting from random events beyond the student’s control can apply for it.The allowance may be granted twice in one academic year, and the allowance is not granted twice for the same random event. 

In 2024, we granted 51 allowances for a total of PLN 255 000. The allowances, depending on the student’s situation, were paid in the amount of PLN 2,000 to PLN 5,000 at a time.

Detailed information on the possibility of applying for the allowance is available in the “MojeAEH” system.

2023/2024 academic year
800 Rector’s Scholarships
51 allowances
350 scholarships for people with disabilities
12 500 000 PLN was spent in 2023/2024 on scholarships

PLN 1,890,289.35 was spent in 2019/2020 on scholarships
PLN 2,911,662.50 was spent in 2020/2021 on scholarships
PLN 4,158,177.00 was spent in 2021/2022 on scholarships
PLN 7,829,950.00 was spent in 2022/2023 on scholarships

Rector’s Scholarship – highest average: 5,44

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