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Library of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw

The Library of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw is a research library, whose collection is available to students, members of the teaching and research staff, as well as persons unconnected with the University who search for expert literature and information.


rooms for quiet study or groupwork

computers with Internet access

The Library’s collection includes publications from all the fields studied at the University: Psychology, Management, Finance, Accounting, Banking, Marketing, Advertising, Law, Administration, Political Science, Computer Science, and related areas. The main collection is complemented by codes, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, lexicons, and annals of statistics. We offer more than 40,000 non-serial publications and 300 journals, 90 of which the Library is currently subscribed to.

At the Check-Out Desk, books, bulletins, academic scripts and multimedia are available which are directly related to the study programmes offered by the University.

In the Reading Room, users can peruse publications which cannot be checked out, scientific journals, and press. This spacious area is equipped with: 

a workstation adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, including the necessary software;
Wi-Fi network;
access to scientific databases.
The Rules and Regulations of the Library of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw [file]

Catalogue Online

In order to check out a book, you must write down its call number. The letters found at the beginning of the call number provide information about the status of the publication:

W, Z, S, B M, T
the item can be checked
out of the Library
(for no longer than 30 days);
the item can be checked
out of the Library
(for no longer than 14 days);
library use only,
to be perused in
the Reading Room;
items available
exclusively to postgraduate
The Library Catalogue is available online

Databases available at the University

Psychological Testing Room

Its collection includes more than 170 scientific tools, to which the most recent diagnostic methods are constantly being added. You can also find here numerous books and scientific articles on Psychometrics and psychological diagnosis.

All the tests in the collection have been officially published in Poland or have up-to-date Polish adaptations. We provide a full set of materials needed for each test (textbooks, test sheets, answer sheets, answer keys, and other useful materials). The rules of the Testing Room comply with the Code of Professional Conduct of the Polish Psychologists’ Association.


Our collection includes:

  • IQ tests and aptitude tests,
  • tests used in Health Psychology,
  • neuropsychological tests,
  • questionnaires to measure personality
    and temperament,
  • tests used in developmental psychology,
  • projective tests.

The Testing Room is available during the Library’s working hours.

The catalog of the collections of the Psychological Test Laboratory is available at:

  • Permission form to check out tests  [file]
  • Permission form to purchase tests  [file]

Materials published by the University
on an open access basis

The Publishing House of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw has released numerous publications which are available on an open-access basis.

Open Access means open, free-of-charge, and public access to digital scientific and educational publications. Each Internet user may read, copy, print, disseminate, index, quote and browse through open access resources, including complete texts of articles, research reports, conference materials, academic lectures, and books published on an open access basis. Users may peruse the materials with no financial, legal, or technical restrictions, at all times respecting the rights of their authors.

  • Psychological perspectives on health and disease. Volume 1: Determinants of somatic and mental health. Joint publication edited by Konrad Janowski. Wydawnictwo AEH Publishing House, 2019 [file]
  • Psychological perspectives on health and disease. Volume 2: Manifestation and diagnoses of health conditions. Joint publication edited by Krzysztof Kiełkiewicz. Wydawnictwo AEH Publishing House, 2019 [file]
  • Wybrane systemy wymiaru sprawiedliwości na świecie. Joint publication edited by Bronisław Sitek and Damian Michalski. AEH Publishing House, 2020 [file]
  • Zachowania niepożądane w zakładach karnych. Wybrane zagadnienia.. Amanda Michalska, Damian Michalski. AEH Publishing House, 2020 [file]
  • The Humanitarian Principle of Punishment and the Protection of Prisoners within the European Legal Space. Maria Cristina Carta. AEH Publishing House, 2020 [file]
  • Współczesne trendy w zarządzaniu. Marcin Smolira. AEH Publishing House, 2020 [file]
  • Współczesne trendy w zarządzaniu: edycja 2. Maria Mazur. AEH Publishing House, 2021 [file]
  • Współczesne trendy w zarządzaniu: edycja 3. Maria Mazur. AEH Publishing House, 2022 [file]
  • W trosce o rozwój i bezpieczeństwo dziecka we współczesnym świecie – aspekty społeczno-prawne. Anna Pawlak, Beata Skwarek, Justyna Stadniczeńko, Oksana Petrenko, AEH Publishing House, 2022[file]

Publications of UEHS academics
on an open access basis

  • Dariusz Makiłła, Can Jan Kochanowski’s Work Be a Source of Learning About the Law? [file]

Support for Research and Development Staff

Please enter the support website for Research staff.

Scientific journals online

Many of the Polish scientific and professional journals offer online access to complete articles.

Below you will find a list of selected journals available online, publishing an article in which is awarded with points by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education:

Organizing and Management

Contact data


Library of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw
ul. Okopowa 59, 01-043 Warsaw
ground floor

Monday – Thursday  08:00 – 16:00
Friday 08:00 – 16:00
10:00 – 18:00*

*applies to the day before weekends of part-time study

On weekends of part-time study at the university building the Library will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 08:30 to 16:00

On weekends of part-time study in REMOTE mode the Library will be open on Saturdays from 08:30 to 16:00

The Library:

Students who have not registered in the Library yet should activate their library account before they can check out any items. In order to do that, please approach the Library staff with your student ID.

To make service more effective and shorten the waiting time, please put the desired items on hold through our Library Catalogue. The maximum number of items that may be put on hold has been increased to 6. You may also email us the call numbers of the books you require.

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