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Call for manuscripts for “Creativity Studies” Special Issue entitled: “Inventive Engineering – Social and Economic Benefits and Influences”

The world is experiencing rapid economic and social shifts as innovation and creativity have progressively transformed the current social and business/management environments. Engineering is not an exception – it is also going through its fair share of transformations which have given birth to a new field called inventive engineering. The term was coined by T. Arciszewski in the 1990s. According to him: “inventive engineering is an emerging engineering science focused on the conceptual designing processes whereby creative, or inventive, designs are developed. Its core concepts are too often unknown and even surprising, but they are also feasible and can be learned, leading to potentially patentable designs” (Arciszewski, 2016). Inventive engineering is a growing field which has substantially impacted different economic sectors. However, since it is a nascent field, its potentials and prospects are mostly yet unrevealed – especially with respect to its social and economic impacts.

The impact of inventive engineering on society and economy broadly falls into innovation related literature. The literature stipulates that innovative activities and creativity contribute to social well-being and economic growth. This impact could be direct or indirect, that is, through other macroeconomic factors, (Furman et al., 2002; Hassan & Tucci, 2010). There is also a possibility of feedback relationship where innovative activities and creativity could be a result of economic growth and social changes. This makes the topic more intriguing.

This special issue invites high quality theoretical and empirical research papers focusing on the social and economic benefits of inventive engineering. Potential research topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Innovations in different engineering fields and their economic impact
  • The culture of creativity and its impact on engineering
  • Software robot revolution and its impact on the engineering profession
  • Societal impact of inventive engineering
  • Innovations in financial engineering
  • Dual causality between inventive engineering and economic growth
  • Policy interventions and inventive engineering
  • Societal Impact
  • Economic Impact
  • Inventive Engineering
  • Policy intervention
  • Industrial, financial and scientific applications of all kind

Please send your manuscript (prepared according the Journal’s requirements) to until the end of September 2021 (publication is planned for 2022).

Good luck!

dr Marcin W. Staniewski,
Guest Editor
Vice Rector for Science, AEH

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